Another Day Lost in Translation

It's been a while. もう一回、皆さまあけましておめでとうございました!

Today, the Big Brother's Band went to the office early to attend the Company's New Year Goals and Policies. Meeting in 日本語 with some English, I have again understood a little of it.

よかったな、I will have a re-run of the meeting with my manager after my group mate has arrived from her vacation for better understanding.

After the meeting, our GA informed us that we will proceed with our plan to get our alien registration card and open a bank account. She also said that 社長 will be joining us for lunch. 


Before we left the office, my manager told me that we will have a discussion later. Another encounter that I must prepare my speech.

Main Event Part 1

At the train, we received our own sets of 印鑑.  私は嬉しくなりました。My dream of owning a seal has been realized.

After visiting the City Hall to get our ARC, 社長 is already at the bank. We exchanged our こんにちは and proceed with opening of account.

GA: 漢字できますか?
E: できません。

We need to fill-up the account application forms in 漢字 and フリガナ. The hardest challenge of my whole stay in Japan which is to write 漢字 by copying. :p

Bank Staff: 漢字、難しいですね。すみません。
E: そうだね。[Thinking]

Now I must study writing 漢字, even if it is only my home address.

Lunch with 社長

I have told our GA that 食べ放題 (Viking Style) is very popular in Japan. She also wondered why. This is what she suggested to 社長. We ate at a Chinese Restaurant and talked for a while.

Main Event Part 2

While we wait for our bank passbook, I was entertained as a mini-translator for Karlo as he was too stunned in correcting his account application forms. 

We almost took four hours just to open a bank account. 大変だな。


Back in the office to have discussion  with my manager.

M:。。。しょりしませんか?[Using the word I used in the document.]

My manager wrote the 漢字 in his computer.

Screen: 。。。処理しませんか?
E:あぁ、処理か?。。。[then I continued to explain.]

Side Story 

[Don't take it seriously.]

Tonight one of my tribe mates tried to break my alliance with another tribe mate. 4 years is not easy to break. Hehehe.

Posted via web from Elmer's World!「エルマー の 世界!」


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