At Last! Gone to Bar at Roppongi

Sometimes when I browse the Metropolis magazine, I see the Gas Panic advertisement.

At last, I and with friends (Kojima-san, Ariga-san and Irene) went to Gas Panic and another bar-that-I-forgot-to-ask-the-name.

In Gas Panic, the place is crowded but the music is cool and gangsta-like. This place may seem sinful, but if you keep your self still and just enjoy, well that is a different story! :p

The other bar, has more order, space and many Filipinos. Most music played here are also enjoyable. I think this is the favorite bar of Master Agustin.

Sorry, we did not bring any cameras because Irene and I have big cameras. We suggest just bring a compact camera if you want to take pictures. :p

This is a new item, a must for adventurous Japan trippers.

Gas Panic (


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